Thursday, August 29, 2013

Letting Go!!

I had an awesome DDPYoga session this morning.  I did Energy and RHC and both kicked my ass into the ground as usual (awesome feeling).  Each time I do a DDPYoga session, I feel I let go of a lot of the bad, negative energy that surrounds me due to family, job, neighbors or whatever else is going on at the time.  My self-esteem is growing more positive every day and I am becoming more confident in life as a whole.  I am becoming more aware of staying true to myself.  Meaning, I am not letting others influence my decisions on any level of my life.  I am believing in who I am more and more and what I can accomplish out of life - work, relationships, family, friends, etc.  I am "owning my life" so to speak and it feels great.  I know that I am going to keep evolving into a better and more positive person as I do DDPYoga and continue to let go of everything.  Keep it positive!!!

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